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烟酸对热应激奶牛生产性能、血清生化 指标的影响

发布时间:2014-07-16 14:40:46



摘要: 选择健康泌乳后期的中国荷斯坦奶牛3 头,采用3 ×3 拉丁方设计,在基础日粮中分别添加0 、8 、15 g/ (头·d) 的烟酸,试验期63 d ,研究了日粮中添加不同水平的烟酸对热应激奶牛生产性能、血清生化指标的影响。结果表明:烟酸对热应激状态的奶牛直肠温度和呼吸频率影响未达显著水平;日粮中添加8 、15 g/ (头·d) 烟酸奶牛的产奶量分别比对照组提高29. 9 %、22. 0 %( P <0105) ,4 %标准乳产量比对照组分别提高了28. 5 %和21. 5 %( P < 0105) ,且不同添加水平间无显著差异( P > 0。05) ,添加烟酸对奶牛的乳蛋白、乳脂和乳糖含量影响未达到显著水平;2 个试验组都能够维持奶牛血清皮质醇水平的基本恒定,降低了胆固醇和甘油三酯的水平,但与对照组相比差异不显著( P > 0. 05) 。综合分析表明,给热应激奶牛补饲烟酸有助于缓解热应激,烟酸适宜添加量为8 g/ d。

关键词: 烟酸; 热应激; 奶牛; 生产性能; 血清生化指标

中图分类号: S816. 7   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 100423268 (2010) 072011

Effect s of Supplemental Niacin on t he Performance

and Biochemical Parameter of Serum

of Heat2st ressed Dairy Cows

YAN G Nai2de ,GAO Zhen2hua ,HUAN G Xiao2liang ,YIN Fu2quan 3

(Agricultural College ,GuangdongOceanUniversity,Zhanjiang524025 ,China

Abstract : To determine t he effect s of supplemental niacin on t he performance , p hysiological and

biochemical parameter of serum of heat2st ressed dairy cows , an experiment was carried out using

t hree healt h Chinese Hol stein cows in latter lactation under hot environment . According to a 3 ×3 Latin square design , t he basal diet s supplemented wit h 0 , 8 , 15 g/ d niacin in each cow wereused as negative cont rol group A , experimental group B , and C , which were carried out for 63days. The result s showed t hat supplemental niacin had no effect s on t he rectal temperature and respiratory rate. Compared to t he negative cont rol A , milk yield of group B and C was in creasedby 29. 9 % ( P < 0. 05) and 22. 0 % ( P < 0. 05) , respectively. The 4